Every business wants their commercial buildings and office floors to be the cleanest and shiniest possible and nobody can understand that better than we do here at Bee Clean Cleaning. We know the look of your offices, your store and the whole operation makes an impression on your clients and guests. As such, we will work with you to schedule a routine of cleaning, stripping and waxing your floors to keep them looking their absolute best.
While many cleaning and janitorial companies may advise monthly waxing, we know that not all floors get the same amount or the same type of traffic. As such, that complete floor job is not necessary as often for every type of commercial, hotel, office, and restaurant or retail business. We will talk with you about the amount of foot traffic and other activities that your floors see and then propose what we believe to be a comprehensive study and quote so the integrity of your floors is protected.
We take the time to correctly prepare commercial floors for waxing and then follow through with a professional waxing that will make your floors look brand new and sparkling. We take on the task of making your image one of a cleaned, polished and ready to handle business down to the very last detail. We want to look good by making you look better.
Bee Clean Cleaning Service Inc.
7749 E. 11th #C
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112